Office Phone: (780) 836-3606

Welcome to Manning
The Land of the Mighty Moose

About Manning

Manning is one of the newest towns in the North, located on the banks of the beautiful Notikewin River. The abundant wildlife in the area make Manning a hunter’s paradise. Be sure to look at our History page for more information about our past, and our Tourism page for more information about our present.

Camp, Golf, and Play

Hunters Paradise

The Town of Manning has a storied history that begins after the First World War and takes its name from Ernest Manning was Premier of Alberta in 1943. 

Important Information

Contact Info

Emergency on call 780-836-6081

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Office Location:

#413 Main Street
Phone: (780) 836-3606
Fax: (780) 836-3570