Planning and Development (P&D) plays a central role in the change and development of our community by establishing and administering the Town of Manniing’s land use planning framework. P&D aims to ensure orderly, economical and beneficial development, and to maintain and improve the quality of the Town’s physical environment through the application of tools and services under the land use planning framework. The scope of P&D services include:
Land Use and Sustainability Planning
Land Use and Sustainability Planning involves the creation and administration of long-term, community vision plans, such as statutory plans (e.g., Municipal Development Plan, Intermunicipal Development Plans and Area Structure Plans), and the Land Use Bylaw, which together provide direction and the regulatory mechanism for implementing the desired change.
Development Permitting and Subdivision Planning
This includes processing and issuing decisions on devolopment permit and subdivision applications, based on approved plans, the Land Use Bylaw, and other applicable municipal and provincial legislation.
Development Control
Development Control involves the use of tools such as Development Agreements, inspections and Land Use Bylaw enforcement mechanisms to achieve desirable development outcomes.
Special Projects
Examples of special projects undertaken through P&D include Town beautification and special studies (e.g. Affordable Housing).
Other Services
These are services provided to the public for a fee outside the core P&D services (e.g., Compliance Report or Certificate).
The Town of Manning works closely with the Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency to implement its land use planning framework.
New/On Going Project
Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) with County of Northern Lights
The Town of Manning is currently working with the County of Northern Lights (CNL) to develop an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) for lands around the boundaries of the two municipalities. Basic information about the IDP can be found here. The IDP draft plan can be found here.
Riverfront Beautification Project
The Town’s Beautification Committee is working on revitalizing the Riverfront Area to make it a more appealing recreation space. Follow project updates here.
Upcoming Events
Open House for IDP with County of Northern Lights
An open house is scheduled for January 24, 2019 at the County of Northern Lights office from 5:30pm to 8:00pm to provide more information and respond to any questions about the Manning-County of Northern Lights IDP.
General Inquiries
General inquiries about Planning and Development can be directed to April Doll, CAO of the Town of Manning, by phone at (780) 836-3606 or by email at
Town of Manning’s Land Use Planning Framework
The Town of Manning derives its authority to make decisions on land use planning matters from the Government of Alberta through provincial legislation and regulations, including the Municipal Government Act (MGA), the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) and the Subdivision and Development Regulation, that delegate certain powers and authority to municipalities. The Town of Manning’s land use planning framework can be illustrated as follows:
Together with the Province’s MGA, ALSA, Land Use Policies and Subdivision and Development Regulation, the Town’s land use planning framework serves as a guide for planning, development and subdivision within the Town of Manning. Following is a description of, and link to, these documents. Some of the Town’s documents represent Office Consolidations that incorporate the original documents and subsequent amendments approved by Council by Bylaw. In case of uncertainty, the reader is advised to consult the original documents, available at the Town office.
Municipal Government Act
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) is the key provincial legislation from which the Town of Manning derives its authority to undertake planning and development. The MGA establishes the powers and responsibilities of Council and administration in creating policies, plans and bylaws to regulate land use and development within their municipality, to ensure orderly physical, environmental and economical beneficial development. Specifically, the MGA allows a municipality to create four (4) types of statutory plans-namely, Municipal Development Plan (MDP), Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP), Area Structure Plan (ASP) and Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP)-and the Land Use Bylaw. These provide a framework for coordinated land use planning and decision-making. The MGA also provides municipalities with enforcement mechanisms to ensure conformity between development and approved plans and bylaws.
Alberta Land Stewardship Act
The Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) is a 2009 provincial legislation that establishes a regional approach to land use planning through the implementatin of the Alberta Land-use Framework (LUF). It aims to achieve Alberta’s long-term economic, social and environmental goals through the efficient managment of public and private lands and natural resources. The ALSA divides up the province into seven “land-use regions”, based on the LUF, which correspond to Alberta’s major watersheds, and contemplates a regional plan for each region. The Town of Manning is located within the Upper Peace Region. Once adopted, the Upper Peace Regional Plan will provide high-level policy direction for the land use planning and decision-making within the Town of Manning.
Provincial Land Use Policies
The province’s Land Use Policies were created in 1996 under the MGA to guide municipalities in harmonizing provincial and municipal policy initatives at the local land use planning level. The policies establish high-level principles, such as a collaborative approach to addressing planning issues, for better land use planning. The Provincial Land Use Policies will be replaced by regional plans once in effect.
Subdivision and Development Regulation
Enacted in 2002 and amended in 2017, the Subdivision and Development Regulation outlines a number of requirements, procedures and guidelines for the referral and decision-making process on subdivision applications in Alberta, in addition to the requirements of the MGA. The Subdivision and Development Regulation prescribes the following setback distances:
- 100 metres from gas and oil wells;
- 1.5 kilometres from sour gas wells and facilities (depending on the level of the sour gas facility and the intensity of the proposed use);
- 300 metres from the working area of a wastewater treatment plant;
- 300 metres from the disposal area of an operating or non-operating landfill, or the working area of an operating storage site; and
- 450 metres from the working area of an operating landfill, the working or disposal area of a non-operating hazardous waste management facility or the working area or disposal area of an operating hazardous waste management facility.
The Subdivision and Development Regulation also requires that an applicant for subdivision or for development permit (except when the proposed building is less than 47 square metres) supply information regarding abandoned oil and gas wells on the subject parcel. If an abandoned well is identified during the application process, Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 079 (Surface Development in Proximity to Abandoned Wells) prescribes minimum setbacks and may require the applicant to contact the licensee of record.
Intermunicipal Development Plan
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory plan prepared collaborativley between two (or more) municipalities to provide direction for the future development of the lands of mutual importance. IDPs are adopted by the municipalities party to them through marching municipal bylaws, and contain policies that address land use, environmental matters, transportation, economic development, and intermunicipal infrastructure, services and programs, as well as procedures for administering and amending the plan. All IDPs will have to be consistent with the ALSA Regional Plans of the Provincial Land Use Framework, once those are completed. The Town of Manning is currently in the process of developing an IDP with its rural neighbour, the County of Northern Lights. Once adopted, the IDP with County of Northern Lighs will provide a cooperative framework for land use planning and development decision-making for lands around the boundaries fo the two municipalities. The IDP document will become available online once adopted by Council.
Municipal Development Plan (2014)
The Town of Manning’s Municipal Development Plan was adopted by Council in 2014 to provide a cohesive framework to guide local decision making that is necessary to achieve the Town’s long term vision. The MDP guides future land use, infrastructure, environmental, social and economic policy decisions within the Town’s corporate boundaries in a manner that reflects the municipality’s vision. The guiding principle of the MDP is that all future growth in the Town of Manning will occur in an orderly, efficient and economically sound manner through efficient land use planning.
Area Structure Plans
Area Structure Plans (ASPs) provide a framework for future subdivision and development of land, resulting in the creation of new neighbourhoods or commercial areas. ASPs identify where residential, commercial, institutional and other land uses will be located and how services such as water, electricity, sewer systems, telecommunications, schools, fire protection and parks will be provided. ASPs are either prepared by the Town or required from a developer in advance of a subdivision proposal. Currently, the Town of Manning has two ASPs:
Northwest Manning Area Structure Plan (1996): The Revised Central Manning ASP was adopted in 1996 to specifically provide a planning framework for the orderly and economic subdivision and development of the northwest portion of Manning, along the Mackenzie Highway.
Riverdrive Area Structure Plan (1982): The Riverdrive ASP was adopted in 1982 to provide a detailed design framework for the development of a balanced and fully serviced low density residential development with a carefully integrated medium density residential component along the north shore of the Notikewin River, in the west-central section of Manning.